Here is the kids Christmas outfits. I love getting them new Sunday clothes. I have bought too many hats for McKelle that she would never wear. So when we were at the store and she wanted the hat, I was very reluctant to buy it for her. But I did, and she has worn it! Hurray!
Has anyone elses child gone through a phase when they can't smile? This is what I get when I say smile Kenton!
Oh here is my little princess. When we asked her what she wanted Santa to bring her, she said "Pink Presents" I get such a kick out of her little personality. Girls, Girls, they are the funniest, most dramatic things in the world!
This is my baby girl, TO A TEE! My sweet little angel is constantly getting into my makeup and my drawers. If I am getting ready, she is in there with me asking for "MY EYES!"
And I have found numerous splashes of color on my rugs.... ! (when she helps herself) So she got her own "make up". When she realizes it isn't real, we will have a problem ;)
Happy New Years! This is me and Lance on New Years at his parents house. We always go and hang out and have yummy food! We usually try to put a jig saw puzzle together before midnight, but this year we watched MAMMA MIA! I didn't have any idea what I was getting myself into;)
2008 Was a long year. But working from home, and having Lance only working at one job has really made a difference.
2008: Started out with Radiation and MRI's
Lance working 60-80 hours a week.
Lance started to finish our basement
Had another surgery in February - UGH
Good blood results in May
Still living with boxes in my living room in June
Started working from home in August
Pushed to get the basement done- Sheet rock dust!!!!
More good blood results in September
Lance started only working one job- Hallelujah
First Thanksgiving meal ever cooked by myself
Carpet laid on Christmas Eve! Hurray
Lost 5 pounds not working at the office!!! - A miracle
This years goals:
Start a food storage
Get in better shape
Keep good blood results! ( Exercising does lower cancer rates)
Turn 30 gracefully! - We will see ;)
I have more but that is all I will post about!