About Our Family

Lance and I have been married for 10 years!!! We have 3 children, Kenton Doyle, McKelle Alyse, and our new arrival Avilynn Belle. Things are always crazy at our house between juggling work and home life. Even though life is hectic I love living it. It is so wonderful and such a blessing to have a family like ours!

~ The Love Of A Family Is Life's Greatest Blessing ~


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I Don't Even Know The Title of the Tag!

So thanks Windy, I was tagged to the list of I's, so here is more info about me, than you probably want to know ;)

I am: a mom, wife, singer, stress case, and CLEANER!(not by choice)
I want: So many things, but don't really NEED most of them!
I have: 2 Beautiful Children, that make me laugh smile, and feel love everyday!
I dislike: Messy house, (so why does mine somehow always seem to get messy) Bad Music, winy children, when my shows get cut off by the DVR right at the very end
When a project I work on doesn't go they way I want...
I miss: Europe, and want to go back!
I fear: Loosing the ones I love, having my children hurt, or in trouble!
I feel: Grateful for my health, temple blessings, and children that ground me everyday!
I hear: Music in my head, all day, every day. When I watch shows, I always pay attention to the music in the background...
I smell: Fall in the air, and hope to smell a clean house scent!
I crave: Dr. Pepper, though I am trying to kick it, and FOOD!
I cry: I'm a weeper, I get emotional over commercials!
I usually: Make lists and To DO's all the time, and love to check them off
I search: Google for everything!!
I wonder: What the future brings, and how to do the right things at the right times..
I regret: Well, there is some major things in my life that I regret, but then I also learned from them, so it is a catch 22
I love: My family, feeling beautiful for my hubby, June 1st, gardening, singing, taking bubble baths, getting massages, oh I could go on and on.....
I care: About too much, I think I need to let things go sometimes...
I always: Hard, I am not an always type of person, I don't do things in Absolutes
I worry: About my weight - Ok it is out there, but I can't help it, it bothers me
I am not: Perfect, a bed time scheduler, a dieter, or a half a** doer, I like things done right
I remember: How silly High School was and all the things I look back and roll my eyes at in a can't beleive it kind of way..
I believe: That Prayer is powerful, and is the best way to draw close to our Heavenly Father
I dance: In the mornings, while I wait for calls to come in... it is how I work out ;)
I sing: ALL THE TIME, but after 2 throat surgeries, I have lost some of my talent, and it is very hard and furstrating...
I don't always: Take my nail polish off when it looks atroshious
I argue: Probably too much, need to take a chill pill sometimes
I write: Used to in a Journal faithfully
I win: I never win! I am not lucky
I lose: Money to Brand Name Items
I wish: Money didn't exsist, and we lived in Harmony
I listen: To all kinds of music, almost every genre, except heavy metal, but I do like, Pour Some Sugar on Me, and hard core Rap UGH
I don't understand: So many things
I need: Affection to make my happy
I forget: Every one's name, I have the hardest time lately with names
I am happy:When things are in order and my family is happy!

So there you have it! Me In A Nut Shell ;)

And I tag Heather, Marci, and Liesl- Have fun!


Jen said...

Hard core rap, huh? Wow. That is cool. I used to be a clean-freak, but I lost it somehow. I'm off to watch Grey'a now!!!

Casey and Whitney MCkell said...

Too Cute!!! Yeah befoe I HAD Holden I was a clean freak what happened???

Windy said...

Hillary, you are so cute! I am so glad to have gotten to know you too! I remember being so intimitated by you. Your house is always clean, and you do still sing so beautifully. You do an Awesome job at you calling...I am impressed! Oh and your weight...pshhh you look incredible you sexy mamma!